Cataloging & Processing Download Cataloging Profile Form Supreme provides a complete family of cataloging products and services to the nation's library community. offers full cataloging and processing of orders at competitive prices with unsurpassed quality. Our 5 million record database contains cataloging for trade publications, audiovisuals, serials, computer software, U.S. and Canadian Government Documents, and medical works. For the most up to date and comprehensive information, count on us to deliver.

Cataloging Price List

Marc Record $.45 ea.
Card Sets $.69
Label sets (for spine, pocket, Book card) $0.21
Accelerated Reader Labels $0.08
Smart Barcode Labels $0.18 per label
Book Catalog (printed listing) with each order $0.10 per title
Book Pocket $0.10 ea.
Borrower's Card $0.08 ea.


Processing Price List

Our Book Processing services are fully customizable to your requirements



Best Offer on Full Processing only $1.89 per title Includes:

Full US MARC record on disk, affixed label set, book pocket, borrower's card, barcode label, and a mylar cover on all jacketed books. (Spine and barcode label protectors are used on all non-jacketed books).



Theft Detection

3M tattle tape is used unless otherwise specified. Single-sided for hardbound books and double-sided for paperbacks $.35 ea.



Property Stamping

Property stamping can be done to any book surface or edge as specified by the library.



Paperback Prebinding

Get your paperbacks converted to durable hardcover books with Supremebind.
Supremebind. $5.99 per title
Customized Ink Stamp (one time charge) $25.00
Stamping per book $0.08 ea.
Custom Imprinted Book Pockets (1,000 book pockets included) $89.00v Email your catologing profile forms to